Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Second Outting

Indian Well
6 Miles

This time I brough a friend with me. Sabbath need not be solitary. We seemed to be less organized since our path was longer than the day had time for. There was no ultimate place to sit and reflect, although, Josh and I enjoyed finding the things God and others had left for us to discover. Overall, we had a great hike with many new thoughts, ideas and beginnings of writing.

Twisted beauty encroaches.
Low laurel
and ferns
surround the path – narrow.
We climb
single file
up rocky New England soil -

Your coppers and greens-
leaves, hair, tumbling water, eyes,
reflect in each other.

Pine trees grow tall and straight, green arms and fingers each reach for their piece of sky.

hiker’s dog crosses our path.
He loves everyone.

Mica glitters underfoot - refracts
warming sun back
to budding trees, mimics
shiny root protected ice-wells -
earth thaws white to green.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful idea- I don't think I have the right words to even do it justice. This is inspiring. . .

